Congratulations on your decision to become a part of the FarmGreat family.
Owning a business is one of the most fulfilling engagements that you will ever experience. It is our commitment to provide you the best health solution-based products and a cutting-edge business rewards opportunity, which gives you several ways to earn generous commissions on daily, weekly and monthly bases.

When you partner with FarmGreat Corporation, you unlock a rare opportunity to represent our exclusive and well researched breakthrough life-saving products, which represent innovative health solutions and breakthrough discoveries of our time.

Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to develop a residual income stream that creates meaningful income, new relationships, and new discoveries. We look forward to recognizing, celebrating and rewarding your success and achievements as part of our FarmGreat family!

FarmGreat Multi-Tiered Uni-level Dynamic Compensation Plan rewards behaviors that are in alignment with the FarmGreat Vision, Mission and Values, such as:

  • New Business Growth
  • Creating TeamWork
  • Developing Leadership
  • Duplicating Your Success

FarmGreat Corporation looks for business oriented people, entrepreneurs and motivated individuals that are focused with long-term success in mind.



FarmGreat utilizes a Multi-Tiered Uni-level Dynamic Compensation Plan. A new innovative reward-plan, invented by Dr. Emmanuel R. Onwuchekwa, a renowned pharmacist and a financial expert. It has been carefully developed to EMPOWER you and your dreams in TWENTY ONE POWERFUL WAYS of immense rewards, to enjoy life excitement, fulfillment, and financial freedom.

The more you understand our products uniqueness, the more your passion for health and for helping others live healthier will grow, and the more you will want to share our health and solution-based products with others, and thus developing a team of healthy and passionate individuals who will like to join FarmGreat business opportunity in achieving wellness, expanding their finances and knowledge in FarmGreat’s global community.

This revolutionary business opportunity SIGN UP IS FREE, either as Member Associate or as Affiliate Marketer. Join now to partner and profit from Our Trusted
Medical Experts’ knowledge and health solutions in an industry that is virtually recession-free. Creating unlimited income potentials is as easy as signing up and sharing
FarmGreat products and business opportunity with others.

FarmGreat offers four classes of business opportunities. Multi-Tiered Uni-level Dynamic Compensation Plan is exclusive to Member Associates. Click Here to learn more.

21 Ways To Empowered Living

The awesomeness of this plan is supreme in the whole wide world. Global authorities in the multi-level marketing industry remain overwhelmingly astonished over the cutting-edge rewards this pay-plan offers... Enjoy!

FarmGreat Multi-Tiered Uni-level Dynamic Compensation Plan comprises twenty one primary sections that work in unison and reward you as you build your business. This plan is designed to pay as you begin, as you grow, and as you mature your business.

Each of these twenty one sections contains complementary financial rewards. Together this creates a simple, rewarding plan that provides you with multiple streams of income while growing your FarmGeat business.

Member Associates enroll to create new business career and meaningful residual income streams with FarmGreat business, to promote wellness and FarmGreat's health solutions, new relationships and new discoveries. Member Associates are generously rewarded for sharing and growing their FarmGreat business with others.

Multi-tiered Uni-level Dynamic Tree

This Multi-tiered Uni-level Tree organizes and places your enrollees directly under you in unilevel order. Building a solid Enrollment Tree has proven to be a vital activity for successful FarmGreat Associates.



Each Member Associate you enroll will be the head of a new Enrollment Team. Every person below them in the Enrollment Tree will contribute to the Volume within that Enrollment Team.

No Limit! You can enroll as many Member Associates as possible, while system will automatically place them directly under you in unilevel order. All BVs generated from your Member Associates team’s sales/ orders contribute to your monthly Group Qualifying Volumes (GQVs). Earn 50% FastTrack Commission from all first orders made by all your enrolled Member Associates.

No Limit! You can enroll as many Affiliate Marketers as possible, while system will automatically place them directly under you in unilevel order. Earn commissions from all sales made at the sites of all your enrolled Affiliate Marketers, and orders made by their enrolled Preferred Customer.

All BVs generated from your Affiliate Marketers sales and orders made by their Preferred Customers contribute to your monthly GQVs.

No Limit! You can enroll as many Preferred Customers as possible, while system will automatically place them directly under you in unilevel order. Earn commissions from orders made by all your enrolled Preferred Customers, and from all sales made at their sites, including orders made by their respective enrolled Preferred Customers, (which are your second Preferred Customers generation). All BVs generated from your 1st to 4th Preferred Customers generations, including BVs generated from all their sales/ orders, contribute to your monthly GQVs.

Both Member Associates, Affiliate Marketers and Preferred Customers you will enroll will be aligned directly under you in sideways format, and there are no limits to number of partners you can enroll. Member Associates, Affiliate Marketers and Preferred Customers layout is viewable at your genealogy via your back office.

SuperStart Your FarmGreat Business as CEO DISTRIBUTOR

Get free Gifts With FarmGreat SuperStart First Order. SuperStart Your FarmGreat Business as DISTRIBUTOR by making your first wholesale order with 450 GQV. And be eligible to share from our global Livelihood Allowance, and thus maximize your family's full potential.

You can develop retail customers and expose potential team members with your first wholesale product order! The goal of every Member Associate should be to achieve the DISTRIBUTORSHIP milestone within his first calendar month and get free SuperStart System Gifts with your first order.

Member Associate minimum order is 75BVs. Each product has a Business Volume (BV) attached to it. Amount of products that generate 75BVs are determined by selected products and their BVs.

50% FastTrack Commission

With no limit, you’ll earn BIG... A one-term 50% FastTrack Commission from first order made by all your enrolled Member Associates. All BVs generated by these orders are adding up to REAL income, REAL fast!



It's BIG! Earn a one-time FastTreack Commission on every new Member Associate you personally enroll!

To earn FastTrack Commissions, simply:

  • 1   Meet 75 PQV Requirement.

  • 2   Earn FastTrack Commission from any of your enrolled Member Associates first order.

  • 3   Get paid up to 50% Fasttrack Commission of the ordered value.

50% of any amount of the first order made by your enrolled Member Associates is instantly paid to you as FastTrack Commission. E.g. If your enrolled Member Associate's first order is a total sum of 800 USD, you will instantly be paid with 400 USD FastTrack Commission (a 50% of this first order). If you are yet to achieve your 75 monthly Personal Qualifying Volume (PQV) while your enrolled member associate makes his first order, you will receive 25% FastTrack Commission of the ordered value, while the remaining 25% FastTrack Commission will be pending till the end of your calendar month. If you achieve your 75 PQV within your calendar month, you'll be instantly paid with the pending 25% FastTrack Commission. Otherwise you'll forfeit the pending FastTrack Commission.

Retail Commission

FarmGreat prides itself in having unmatched products. As a FarmGreat Member Associate you have the ability to sell FarmGreat’s products to customers.



Earn money when you sell product to customers at retail price.

To earn Retail Commission, simply Meet 75 PQV requirement and achieve any or combined list of 1- 4 options:

  • 1   When Retail order is made at your FarmGreat site.

  • 2   When Retail order is made at the site of any Preferred Customer you enrolled.

  • 3   When Retail order is made at the site of any Affiliate Marketer you enrolled.

  • 4   Sell FarmGreat Products directly to a Retail Consumer and keep the difference as your retail profits.

All the retail sales going on in all sites of Preferred Customers and Affiliate Marketers you enrolled will all earn you numerous Retail Commissions. This is in addition to Retail Commissions from all retail sales made at your personal FarmGreat website. Just point your customers, prospects and followers to your FarmGreat website, and we'll take care of the rest, giving you the profit. Order from your Member Associate back office and sell directly to retail customers with 20% profit markup!

Preferred Customer Commission

Earn massive commission form your first and second generations of preferred customers’ monthly orders. Just keep sharing FarmGreat Powerful Products with new Preferred Customers, and keep enjoying bountiful commissions.



Enroll your Preferred customer through your FarmGreat sites and receive up to 25 % commission of their orders.

To earn commissions in the Prederred Customer program, simply:

  • 1   Meet 75 PQV Requirement.

  • 2   Have your already enrolled Preferred Customer order product.

  • 3   Have your already enrolled Preferred Customer enroll a Preferred Customer or have their already enrolled Preferred Customers order products.

  • 4   Get paid up to 25% commission of the ordered value.

First time your enrolled Preferred Customer orders products, you will earn 15% commission of the ordered value. This commission will increase to 25% commission of the ordered value in the following month order, and you will continue to earn 25% from this Preferred Customer monthly order. If this Preferred Customer fails to order in any calendar month, and resume his order in any other month, your commission will decrease to 15% of the ordered value, and will increase to 25% commission of the ordered value in the following month order.

You will earn 2% commission of the ordered values made by any of your second generation Preferred Customers, e.g. all the Preferred Customers you enroll are your first generation. All Preferred Customers that will be enrolled by these your first generation Preferred Customers are your second generation Preferred Customers. Whenever your second generation Preferred Customers order products, you'll earn 2% commission of the ordered value.

Note: All Preferred Customers will order their monthly products through their individual FarmGreat replicating sites, e.g. A Preferred Customer will sign up in his personal FarmGreat site as a Preferred Customer and straightaway complete his order online at his site. This Preferred Customer receives 20% discount profit, and you'll instantly receive accrued BVs and get paid with the commission accrued from this order.

Retail Order Commission From Preferred Customers’ Sites, And Commission From Orders made By Preferred Customers Enrolled By These Preferred Customers.



Earn 2% Preferred Customer Retail Commission from all Retail Orders going on in all the sites of all the Preferred Customers you enrolled, and from all orders from Preferred Customers they enrolled as well.

To earn Retail Commissions from sales going on in all these sites simply:

  • 1   Meet 75 PQV Requirement.

  • 2   Have your already enrolled Preferred Customers make sales in their FarmGreat sites.

  • 3   Have your already enrolled Preferred Customer enroll a Preferred Customer, and have this Preferred Customer order products.

  • 4   Get 2% Retail Commission from all your Preferred Customer’s sites. And 2% from all orders from Preferred Customers they enrolled as well

You will earn 2% Preferred Customer Commission from all retail orders going on in all the sites of all the Preferred Customers you enrolled. When any of these your enrolled Preferred Customers enroll a Preferred Customer (Your Preferred Customer second generation) that orders products, you will earn 2% Preferred Customer's Preferred Customer Commission. These commissions will always reoccur whenever your Preferred Customer's second generation reorders. While all the BV's generated from all these Preferred Customers orders and retail sales cumulates into your Group Qualifying Volume (GQV). Every Preferred Customer receives a personal executive FarmGreat website alongside with back office, which they'll use in managing their FarmGreat business after sign-up.

Retail Order Commission From Affiliates Marketers’ Sites, And Commission From Orders made By Preferred Customers Enrolled By These Affiliate Marketers.



Enroll Affiliate Marketer and receive up to 2 % commission of all the sales going on in their respective FarmGreat sites. And further earn commissions from all their enrolled Preferred Customers orders.

To earn commissions from sales going on in the Affiliate Marketer’s Sites simply:

  • 1   Meet 75 PQV Requirement.

  • 2    Have your already enrolled Affiliate Marketer make sales in their FarmGreat sites.

  • 3   Have your already enrolled Affiliate Marketer enroll a Preferred Customer, and have this Preferred Customer order products.

  • 4   Get 2% Retail Commission from all your Affiliates Marketer’s sites. And 2% from all their Preferred Customer’s monthly order.

You will earn 2% Affiliate Retail Commission from all retail orders going on in all the sites of all the Affiliate Marketers you enrolled. When any of these Affiliate Marketers enrolls a Preferred Customer that orders products, you will earn 2% Affiliate's Preferred Customer Commission of the order value. These commissions will always reoccur whenever your Affiliate Marketer's Preferred Customers reorder, or when sales occur in any of your Affiliates Marketers sites. While all the BV's generated from all these Preferred Customers orders and retail sales cumulates into your Group Qualifying Volume (GQV). Every Affiliate Marketer and Preferred Marketer receives a personal executive FarmGreat website alongside with back office, with which to manage their business after sign-up as either Affiliate Marketer or Preferred Customer.

Team Leader Commission

Leadership is a key component to a thriving business. Qualified Member Associates earn monthly Team Leader Commissions from all their enrolled Member Associates who achieve required criteria.



Earn monthly Team Leader Commission from any of your enrolled Member Associates that achieves his monthly PQV, and 500 GQV.

To earn Team Leader Commissions, simply:

  • 1   Meet 75 PQV Requirement.

  • 2   Earn Team Leader Commission from any of your enrolled Member Associates that achieves his monthly PQV, and 500 GQV.

  • 3   Maintain Executive Member Associate (EMA) in the preceding month.

  • 4   Meet 200 Team Leader Commission Qualifying Volumes (TLCQV).

  • 5   Get paid with Team Leader Commission of 10.00 USD from each of your enrolled qualified Member Associates.

If you are yet to achieve your monthly Personal Qualifying Volume (PQV), TLCQV or EMA status while any of your enrolled member associate achieves his monthly PQV, and 500 GQV, your Team Leader Commission will be pending till the end of your calendar month. If you achieve your monthly PQV, TLCQV or EMA within your calendar month, you'll instantly be awarded with the pending Team Leader Commission. Otherwise you'll forfeit the pending Team Leader Commissions for the month.

Team Leader Commission is paid at the closure of your calendar month. Note: Your first day of the month starts counting from the day you joined FarmGreat business. EMA is a monthly Executive Member Associate ranking status, which you can achieve through various ways of earning BonusPoints. Click Here to learn more. Team Leader Commission Qualifying Volumes (TLCQV) can either be achieved through 1 - 4 or in combination of 1 - 4. Conditions:

1). BVs generated from your order.
2). BVs generated from retail sales made from your FarmGreat site.
3). BVs generated from your enrolled Preferred Customers orders.
4). BVs generated from your enrolled Affiliate Marketers sites.

Leadership Matching Bonus

Building a strong team is much more than finding a single star player. It’s helping everyone involved to reach their full potential. Leadership Matching Bonus rewards you for building and helping multiple enrollment teams to succeed.



Leadership Matching Bonus rewards you for being a leader, building a strong team and assisting in the success of others who you enroll.

To earn Team Leader Matching Bonus simply:

  • 1   Meet 75 PQV Requirement.

  • 2   Maintain Executive Member Associate (EMA) in the preceding month.

  • 3   Get paid in accordance with your qualifying rank.

You will earn Team Leader Matching Bonuses on the Team Leader Commissions earned by any of your enrolled Member Associates and from their downlines, up to seven generations deep. Your monthly Team Leader Matching Bonus and earnings are based on your current rank in FarmGreat business. Member Associates rankings are based on the current generated Group Qualifying Volume (GQV).

This is the most powerful and lucrative Matching bonus ever, yet very simple... Member Associate can earn tens and thousands of Team Leader Matching Bonus from all his enrolled qualifies Member Associates month after month and year after year. From the graph and narratives above. E.g. Member Associates who enroll up to 50 or 100 Member Associates will earn massively... After all, signing up as a member associate is free... if you have 50 or 100 enrolled member associates who achieves Leadership Bonus, you can earn Team Leader Matching Bonus from each of their Leadership Commissions in their respective teams, down to seven generations deep. This matching bonus is truly unprecedentedly powerful.

Leader Matching Bonus is earned based on your Group Qualifying Volume, which is proportional to your rank. The more you build and grow your team, the more your Group Qualifying Volume will advance. Team Leader Matching Bonus is paid at the closure of your calendar month. Note: Your first day of the month starts counting from the day you joined FarmGreat business.
EMA is a monthly Executive Member Associate ranking status, which you can achieve through various ways of earning BonusPoints. Click Here to learn more.

Family Livelihood Allowance

FarmGreat Family Livelihood Allowance is an incredible system which ensures that your family realizes its full potential through adequate finance. Family Livelihood Allowance is our way of rewarding leaders and business builders’ families.



Your maximum eligible monthly Family Livelihood Allowances are based on your monthly qualifying rank .

To earn Family Livelihood Allowance simply:

  • 1   Meet 75 PQV Requirement.

  • 2   Maintain Executive Member Associate (EMA) in the preceding month.

  • 3   Maintain the rank of distributor or above.

  • 4   Get paid in accordance with your qualifying rank.

Family Livelihood Allowance is paid at the closure of your calendar month. Note: Your first day of the month starts counting from the day you joined FarmGreat business. EMA is a monthly Executive Member Associate ranking status, which you can achieve through variety ways of earning BonusPoints. Click Here to learn more.

Family Livelihood Allowances and earnings are based on your Group Qualifying Volume, which is proportional to your rank. The more you build and grow your team, the more your Group Qualifying Volume will advance.

Residual Commission

FarmGreat Compensation Plan is focused with long-term success in mind. As low as from the rank of Apprentice you will be awarded with Residual Commission. A fractional percentage from our global retail sales and Preferred Customers orders.



As you build your business, you will advance in rank and continue growing your monthly Residual Commission.

To earn Residual Commission simply:

  • 1   Meet 75 PQV Requirement.

  • 2   Maintain Executive Member Associate (EMA) in the preceding month.

  • 3   Maintain the rank of apprentice or above.

  • 4   Get paid in accordance with your qualifying rank.

FarmGreat is one of the fastest-growing empowerment e-commerce websites in the world, with its exclusive revolutionary products. FarmGreat reserves over 5% of EVERY Retail Sales and Preferred Customers Orders companywide into the FarmGreat residual reserve! Residual Commission is an amazing lucrative monthly income stream in FarmGreat Compensation plan, which all Member Associates can tap into. It is our way of rewarding Member Associates that focus in building long-term success with FarmGreat business. This amazing global Residual Commission maximizes the power of our revolutionary Multi-Tiered Uni-level Dynamic Compensation Plan, thus paying more to FarmGreat movers and shakers.

Example of 5% Residual Commission

When FarmGreat ships 800,000 USD Preferred Customers Order, and ships 320,000 USD Retail Customer Order in a month, the total monthly revenue from both Preferred Customers Order, and Retail Customer Order will be 1,120,000 USD. 5% of 1,120,000 USD will be 56,000 USD. Each qualified Member Associate will share a fractional percentage from that month 5% residual commission in accordance with their respective qualifying volume of the month. Using this example, if your qualified rank is Apprentice, you will share 0.75% of 56,000 USD as Residual Commission. Similarly, if your qualified rank is Imperial Diamond Director, you will share 0.30% of 56,000 USD as Residual Commission for that month.

Residual Commission is paid at the closure of your calendar month. Note: Your first day of the month starts counting from the day you joined FarmGreat business. EMA is a monthly Executive Member Associate ranking status, which you can achieve through various ways of earning BonusPoints. Click Here to learn more

Residual Commission earnings are based on your Group Qualifying Volume, which is proportional to your rank. The more you build and grow your team, the more your Group Qualifying Volume will advance.

Becoming a FarmGreat President in other countries should be every associate’s dream.

Country business development leaders’ position is simply defined as FarmGreat president in their respective countries. This is awesome... earning commission from every single sale going on in the country where you are the FarmGreat president!



Maximize your earning potentials by choosing any country to run and champion FarmGreat business as the FarmGreat business development leader.

How to become country business development Leader, and start earning commissions. Simply:

  • 1   Meet 75 PQV Requirement.

  • 2   Maintain Executive Member Associate (EMA) in the preceding month.

  • 3   Maintain the rank of Silver Executive or above.

  • 4   Search and select from list of countries that are currently vacant of FarmGreat business development leader via your back office.

  • 5   Apply for the position of country business development Leader.

  • 6   Get paid with 0.3% of all the sales and orders going in that country.

Country Business Development Commission is an impressive revolutionary business mover's commission that will amaze even the most experienced gurus in network marketing. Think about this, an opportunity to become a Country Business Developer and earn 0.30 % commission from every sale and order made from the country where you are leading as Country Business Developer. Imagine working with great team leaders that are highly motivated in building FarmGreat business, exploring all our supporting and marketing tools; no doubt within a year you'll have over three million dollar sales and orders in that country.

Let's say a total sum of 6,000,000 USD sales and orders occur in a country where you’re retained as Country Business Developer within a year. Your Country Business Developer commission will be calculated as 0.3 % of 6,000,000 USD sales/ orders... You'll be banking a total sum of 18,000 USD. Isn't this amazing? This is in addition to all other benefits and commissions you have earned and will continue to earn as a Member Associate. Every sponsor of Country Business Developer also earns Country Business Development Matching Bonus.

Matching Bonus for Sponsor of a Country Business Developer: If you are the sponsor of a Country Business Developer of any country, say you are the enroller of a Member Associate that becomes a Country Business Developer of any country, you will earn a Matching Bonus from his Country Business Development Leader Commission. E.g. If your enrolled Country Business Developer earns 0.3 % of the total sales and orders in a year, which amount the sum of 18,000 USD as his Country Business Development commission, you will earn 0.05% of this 6,000,000 sales and orders which amount to 3,000 USD as Country Business Developer Matching Bonus. The startling point here is that both the Country Business Developer and the sponsor are in real profit boom. To exploit this opportunity, take up your Business Development position.

Country Business Development Commission and matching bonus are paid to both Country Business Developer and the sponsor at the closure of your calendar month. Note: Your first day of the month starts counting from the day you joined FarmGreat business. EMA is a monthly Executive Member Associate ranking status, which you can achieve through various ways of earning BonusPoints. Click Here to learn more


FarmGreat Business is Fun, Exciting And Lucrative. Success Digest 180 contests gives you great goals to shoot for during your first six months in FarmGreat business.

One Hundred and Eighty Days SuccessDigest (SD180) is a competition in which you compete globally with every other FarmGreat member associates who joined FarmGreat the same day you did. We've already mentioned that FarmGreat business is both profitable and fun. This fun starts immediately you enroll as Member Associate. The idea is to outclass them all and, on your 180th day in FarmGreat, be named the champion of your class—SuccessDigest 180 Champion! To be named the SuccessDigest 180 Champion of your class, you'll simply need to accumulate the highest number of BPs in your class.

While you're competing in SD180, you're accumulating lots of BonusPoints—points that can put lots of money in your pocket. Winners of their SD180 class are opportune to share from SD180 global various awards and special recognition. You'll receive SD180 Contestant badge, SD180 Champion Bonus, SD180 Champion Monthly 20 Member Reward Bonus Points (MRBPs) for twelve months and many more.

SD180 also features a Monthly SD180 Global Recruiting Championship contest with more recognition and prizes. Each month of your 180 days Success Digest Contest, you can earn monetary award and special recognition as the monthly BonusPoints champion of your class either globally or in your country by having the most BP for the month.

There is no qualification required to enter SD180 contest. Every member associate becomes eligible at the point of joining FarmGreat business, and there are no special purchase requirements to participate in the SD180 contest. Unlock your full potentials with SD180 contest flight…which allows you to build the simplest and most sustainable wealth. You can simply earn unlimited BonusPoints through a variety of educational and business-building actions while learning and creating successful FarmGreat business. Click Here to learn more.


All BVs generated from all the sales and orders made in your team within your calendar month is called Group Qualifying Volumes. Your monthly GQV determines your monthly rank, earnings and awards. Monthly GQV is calculated by the rank you closed with on the previous month, and paid based upon Business Volume generated within the current month.

The Rank Chart shows number of required Group Qualifying Volume for each rank, either you achieves number of required Group Qualifying Volume for each rank or you maintain the required number direct downlines among your first generation with specified ranks

At FarmGreat, we encourage you to grow your team and advance in ranks organically as your team grows. However you're certainly free to jump ahead and hit your desired top ranking position by investing by ordering bulk products. Each product has its Business Volume (BV). Ranking position is proportional to monthly Group Qualifying Volume. The BV generated from your bulk products order will automatically grade and award you the qualifying rank.

Gold Director Board Welcome Bonus

Gold Director Board Welcome Bonus is another important income stream in the FarmGreat Compensation Plan. As you gain promotion into Gold Directors Board, you’ll unlock an endless well of earning potentials.



Gold Director Board Welcome Bonus is a way of encouraging you for building and expanding your organization and team members business volume.

To earn Gold Director Board Welcome Bonus, simply:

  • 1   Meet Your Monthly 75 PQV Requirement.

  • 2   Cumulate 2,500 All-Time PQV.

  • 3   Click the Silver Button on your alert page, at your back office.

  • 4   Get paid with 50 USD Gold Director Board Welcome Bonus.

Gold Director Board Commission

Gold Director Board Commission rewards you for building a strong team and sales leaders who grow their personal qualifying volumes into prominence rank of Gold Director Board.



This amazing income stream pays you whenever any of your enrolled Member Associates achieves Gold Director Board.

To earn Gold Director Board Commission, simply:

  • 1   Meet Your Monthly 75 PQV Requirement.

  • 2   Maintain the rank of Gold Director Board.

  • 3   Get paid with 25 USD Gold Director Board Commission.

This powerful stream of income pays you commissions as your enrolled Member Associates gain prominence into the rank of Gold Director Board. As you maintain your monthly 75PQV, you’ll keep earning Gold Director Board Commissions.

Double Gold Director Board Welcome Bonus

Double Gold Director Board Welcome Bonus is another important income stream in the FarmGreat Compensation Plan. As you gain promotion into Double Gold Directors Board, you’ll unlock another endless well of earning potentials.



Double Gold Director Board Welcome Bonus is another way of appreciating you for supporting your team members into maximizing their respective PQVs.

To earn Double Gold Director Board Welcome Bonus, simply:

  • 1   Meet Your Monthly 75 PQV Requirement.

  • 2   Cumulate 5,000 All-Time PQV.

  • 3   Get paid with 100 USD Double Gold Director Board Welcome Bonus.

Double Gold Director Board Commission

Double Gold Director Board Commission rewards you for teamwork, leadership, duplication and building active Double Gold Directors.



Double Gold Director Board Commission rewards you for building strong team and assisting in the success of your team.

To earn Double Gold Director Board Commission, simply:

  • 1   Meet Your Monthly 75 PQV Requirement.

  • 2   Maintain the rank of Double Gold Director Board.

  • 3   Get paid with 50 USD Double Gold Director Board Commission.

Double Gold Director Board is another powerful stream of income rank that pays you commission as your enroled Member Associates gain prominence into the rank of Double Gold Director Board. As you maintain your monthly 75PQV, you’ll keep earning Double Gold Director Board Commissions.

Super Platinum Directors Board Welcome Bonus

Super Platinum Directors Board Welcome Bonus is one of the topmost celebrated ranks with an enduring reward. We believe that the best way to say “Congratulations for Great Job” is by helping you to create a generous residual income.



Member Associates achieves Super Platinum Directors Board Welcome Bonus immediately you cumulate 10,000 all-time PQV.

To earn Super Platinum Director Board Welcome Bonus, simply:

  • 1   Meet Your Monthly 75 PQV Requirement.

  • 2   Cumulate 10,000 All-Time PQV.

  • 3   Get paid with 150 USD Super Platinum Director Board Welcome Bonus.

Super Platinum Directors Board Commission

Super Platinum Directors Board Commission is thrilling and tremendous. It generally raises your earning potential and increases the stability of your residual income.



Super Platinum Directors Board Commission is an excellent reward, which keeps paying till infinity.*

To earn Super Platinum Director Board Commission, simply:

  • 1   Meet Your Monthly 75 PQV Requirement.

  • 2   Maintain the rank of Super Platinum Director

  • 3   Get paid with 100 USD Super Platinum Director Board Commission.

Super Platinum Directors Board Commission is another powerful stream of income rank that pays you commissions, as your enrolled Member Associates gain prominence into the rank of Super Platinum Directors Board. As you maintain your monthly 75PQV, you’ll keep earning Super Platinum Directors Board Commissions.

Executive Bonus Pool

FarmGreat is a global company and every Member Associate contributes to its worldwide growth. The Executive Bonus Pool is a powerful bonus that shares the company’s global wealth with all qualified Member Associates on monthly bases.



This is the most transparent pool bonus ever. A whole 1% of company’s global sales are evenly shared among all qualified Member Associates every month. This is unprecedented

To earn Executive Bonus Pool simply:

  • 1   Maintain Executive Member Associate (EMA) in the preceding month.

  • 2   Maintain the rank of Silver Executive.

  • 3   Make 5 retail sales from your replicating site,or have at least 6 of your enrolled respective Preferred Customers order products.

  • 4   Get paid in accordance with your qualifying rank.

This innovative system allows you to benefit from the Global Sales of every person who joins FarmGreat both before you and after you joined. That is why FarmGreat is such a powerful Global Community. Everyone works together and benefits from the company’s worldwide volume.

Executive Bonus Pool is another powerful and one of the most celebrated income leverages in FarmGreat compensation plan. Executive Bonus Pool rewards sales leaders and business builders for their strong leadership and marketing acumen. FarmGreat reserves 1% of FarmGreat global monthly sales to be evenly shared to all qualified Member Associates.

Example of 1% Executive Bonus Pool:

When FarmGreat makes 10,000,000 USD global sales at the closure of the month, 1% of 10,000,000 USD will be 100,000 USD. Each qualified Member Associate will evenly share a fractional percentage of Executive Pool Bonus from this 100,000 USD. Using this example, if there are 10 qualified Member Associates in that month, 100,000 USD will be evenly shared among these 10 qualified Member Associates irrespective of their ranks, as their Executive Pool Bonus for that month.

Executive Pool Bonus is credited to your account at the closure of your calendar month. Note: Your first day of the month starts counting from the day you joined FarmGreat business. Furthermore, you will instantly earn 0.005 USD for each BonusPoint earned within the month under review. There is no limit to how much money you can earn... the more BonusPoints you earn, the more cash you earn.
EMA is a monthly Executive Member Associate ranking status, which you can achieve through various ways of earning BonusPoints. Click Here to learn more

FarmGreat Directors Lifestyle Awards is legendary in the history of direct selling and multi-level marketing industry. It's more than a spark…

Ruby Standing Fan with Remote Award

FarmGreat awards you cash for Standing Fan with Remote immediately you achieve the rank of Ruby Director.

Emerald Phone Award

FarmGreat awards you cash for Smart Phone immediately you achieve the rank of Emerald Director.

Diamond HP Laptop Computer Award

FarmGreat awards you cash for HP Laptop Computer immediately you achieve the rank of Diamond Director.

Double Diamond Video Projector Award

FarmGreat awards you cash for Video Projector immediately you achieve the rank of Double Diamond Director.

Blue Diamond 32 inches Plasma Television Award

FarmGreat awards you cash for 32 inches Plasma Television immediately you achieve the rank of Blue Diamond Director.

Annual International Exotic Tour

FarmGreat will award you an Annual International Exotic Tour when you achieve the rank of Black Diamond Director.Click Here to learn more

Elegant Presidential Brand New Car Award

FarmGreat awards you Elegant Brand New Car when you achieve the rank of Presidential Diamond Director. Click Here to learn more

Brand New Imperial Diamond Jeep Award

FarmGreat awards you a Brand New Jeep when you achieve the rank of Imperial Diamond Director. Click Here to learn more

Imperial International Medical Tour

FarmGreat will award you Imperial International Medical Tour when you achieve the rank of Imperial Diamond Director the 12th times. Click Here to learn more

Imperial Three Bedroom Bungalow Award

FarmGreat will award you Imperial Three Bedroom Bungalow when you achieve the rank of Imperial Diamond Director the 36th times. Click Here to learn more

Imperial Bath Trough With Heater Award

FarmGreat awards you cash for Bath Trough with 15 Gallons Electric Heater immediately you achieve the rank of Imperial Diamond Director the 37th times.

Imperial 9kva Diesel Generator Set Award

FarmGreat awards you cash for Imperial 9kva Soundproof Type Diesel Generator Set immediately you achieve the rank of Imperial Diamond Director the 38th times.

As You Achieves Imperial Diamond Director Rank For 39th Times, You Will Instantly Be Awarded With Two Powerful Units And Heart-Warming Birthday Gift.

Imperial Gas Cooker with Oven

FarmGreat awards you cash for Imperial Gas Cooker with Oven immediately you achieve the rank of Imperial Diamond Director the 39th times.

Heart-Warming Birthday Gift

FarmGreat awards you cash for Heart-Warming Birthday Gift immediately you achieve the rank of Imperial Diamond Director the 39th

Imperial 250 Litre Freezer Award

FarmGreat awards you cash for Imperial 250 Litre Freezer immediately you achieve the rank of Imperial Diamond Director the 39th times.

Imperial Bedroom Decoration Fund Award

FarmGreat awards you cash for Imperial Bedroom Decoration Fund Award immediately you achieve the rank of Imperial Diamond Director the 40th times.

Imperial Sitting Room furniture Fund Award

FarmGreat awards you cash for Imperial Sitting Room furniture Fund immediately you achieve the rank of Imperial Diamond Director the 41st times.

Imperial 2Hp Standing Air Conditioner

FarmGreat awards you cash for Imperial 2Hp Standing Air Conditioner immediately you achieve the rank of Imperial Diamond Director the 42nd times.

6 Liters Top Loading Automatic Washing Machine

FarmGreat awards you cash for 6 Liters Top Loading Automatic Washing Machine immediately you achieve the rank of Imperial Diamond Director the 42nd times.

Imperial Kitchen Cabinet Award

FarmGreat awards you cash for Imperial Kitchen Cabinet Award immediately you achieve the rank of Imperial Diamond Director the 43rd times.

Imperial Garden Resort Development Fund Allowance

FarmGreat awards you cash for Imperial Garden Resort Development Fund Allowance immediately you achieve the rank of Imperial Diamond Director the 46th times.


Less-Privileged and Charity Support Fund Award

One of the important visions of Dr. Emmanuel R. Onwuchekwa, the founder of FarmGreat, is to shoulder charitable causes in different sectors of our societies, charitable organizations and ministries both local and global community.

FarmGreat actively supports groups --- orphans and hospitalized children, sick and abandoned elderly, and the poorest communities. FarmGreat business develops associate's well-being from usual marketer to an affluent millionaire, living an extraordinary healthier lifestyle, with mandate to ensure you are actively involved in humanitarian crusades in your various provinces and communities.

FarmGreat awards you cash for Less-Privileged and Charity Support Fund Award immediately you achieve the rank of Imperial Diamond Director the 44th times. This Care for Less-Privileged and Charity donation will help you visit individuals and groups in dire need of this support, thus making the world a better place. Each successful charitable mission will highlight you as a successful FarmGreat entrepreneur who supports his communities and makes many lives better.

Learn to love without condition. Talk without bad intention. Give without any reason and most of all, care for people without any expectation

Enrollment Tree

Helping other entrepreneurial-minded people build a FarmGreat business and fostering great teamwork is the secret of building a strong residual income. The diagram below shows access, volume and exponential growth in team building.

Your Member Associate team are made up of the Member Associate you enrolled (1st generation), and their enrolled Member Associates, (2nd generations), and Member Associates enrolled by your 2nd generations Member Associates (3rd generations.). Including: 1. All their respective enrolled Preferred Customers, up to 4th generation deep. 2). Their respective enrolled Affiliate Marketers, and Preferred Customers enrolled by these Affiliate Marketers up to 3rd generation deep.

Your Preferred Customers team are made up of the Preferred Customers you enrolled (1st generation), and their enrolled Preferred Customers, up to 3rd generations deep. Note: Preferred Customer cannot enroll an Affiliate Marketer or Member Associate, but can enroll Preferred Customer!

Your Affiliate Marketers team are made up of the Affiliate Marketers you enrolled, and their enrolled Preferred Customers, up to 3rd generations deep. Note: Affiliate Marketer cannot enroll an Affiliate Marketer or Member Associate, but can enroll Preferred Customer! Thus first to fourth generation of Affiliate Marketers are referred as Preferred Customers they enroll.

Multi-Tiered Uni-level system is unique and powerful. Member Associates can enroll new Member Associates, Preferred Customers and Affiliate Marketers, and earn numerous commissions, monthly Personal Qualifying Volumes (PQVs) and Group Qualifying Volumes (GQV’s) from their orders, and sales made in their respective FarmGreat sites.
All these specified generations make up your team. All sales and orders made at your team in your calendar month generate your monthly Group Qualifying Volumes.

What Is Volume?

Volume is the common international currency attached to every FarmGreat product. When product is purchased from FarmGreat, Volume is generated. Qualifications and commissions are directly related to both Personal Qualifying Volumes (PQV) and Group Qualifying Volumes (GQV).

All BVs generated from all the sales and orders made in your team within your calendar month is called Group Qualifying Volumes. Your monthly GQV determines your monthly rank, earnings and awards.

How To Achieve Personal Qualifying Volumes (PQVs) and Group Qualifying Volumes (GQVs)

To qualify for commissions, your account must meet a Personal Qualifying Volume (PQV) requirement before the end of your calendar month. Your month starts counting from the day you enroll into FarmGreat business. Your monthly Ranks are determined by the number of GQV generated by your team within the month under review.

How To Achieve Personal Qualifying Volumes (PQVs)

  • 1   All BVs generated from all sales orders made at your FarmGreat personal website.

  • 2   All BVs generated from all wholesale orders made from your back office.

  • 3   All BVs generated from all orders and reorders made by your personally enrolled Preferred Customers.

  • 4   All BVs generated from all sales orders made at the sites of all your personally enrolled Preferred Customers.

  • 5   50% BVs generated from all sales orders made at the sites of all your personally enrolled Affiliate Marketers.

    Your monthly Personal Qualifying Volume requirements can be met by maintaining an active monthly order from your back office.

How To Achieve Group Qualifying Volumes (GQVs)

  • 1   All BVs generated from all sales orders made at your FarmGreat personal website.

  • 2   All BVs generated from your wholesale orders made from your back office.

  • 3   All BVs generated from all sales and orders made in the team of all your enrolled Member Associates, up to 3rd generation deep.

  • 4   All BVs generated from all orders made by your 1st to 4th generations of Preferred Customers, as well as all BVs from sales and orders made by their respective enrolled Preferred Customers, up to 4th generations deep, and all BVs from sales orders made in all their respective FarmGreat sites.

  • 5   All BVs generated from all sales made at the FarmGreat sites of all your enrolled Affiliate Marketers, as well as all BVs from orders made by their enrolled Preferred Customers up to 3rd generations deep, and all BVs from sales made in all their respective FarmGreat sites.

Statistics of your PQV and GQV updates are denoted at your back office. To review how your team are made up, refer to Enrolment Tree section above.

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